Born on March 3 1993 in Bolzano Italy and lives in Salorno (Bolzano).

He got a master degree in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara after he graduated at the Cignaroli’s Academy of Verona, in sculputure section.

He’s artistics studies, that started by attending the Vittoria Institute of Art of Trento where he got his Master of Applied Arts diploma, got him closer to the sculpture world, expecially of wooden.

His sculptural path began with the making of traditional Krampus masks made with swiss stone pine, lime wood and scots pine.

Ha partecipato a varie mostre e simposi, tra i degni di nota:

2012  second classified at the wood sculpture competition in Val di Non (Trento) at the “Ciaspolada 2012”;

2012 the 9th Sculpture Symposium of Capriana (Trento);

2013 – collective exhibition at the “Palazzo della Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme” in Cavalese (Trento);

2014 – first one classified on the competition for the realization of half bust of Catullus” in Lazise (Verona)

2014/2015 6th and 7th place at the wood sculpture competition at the “Feste Vigiliane” of Trento;

2015 Biennial contemporary art exhibition of sculpture in Piazzola sul Brenta;

2015 9th prize for International Engraving Biennal in Monsumano Terme;

2016/2017 – extemporaneous exhibition at “Palazzo della Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme” in Cavalese (Trento);

2019 – Personal exebition at Sala mostre di Vadena (BZ)

2020 – Collective exebition (Home sweet Home) at Centro Trevi di Bolzano

At Cignaroli Academy of Verona he got the change to master the various engraving techniques, like the chalcography, the drypoint and the acquatint.
He has considerable technical knowledge even in the ceramic, glass, clay, plaster and marble areas.

The atelier is located in Roveré della luna (TN), where he makes polimaterial artworks and the traditional “Krampus” masks which is very known and gratly appreciated for.

The educational path that he started in Trento and then continued in the various Academies, let him experiment in different artistic fields, thanks to that he realised that sculpure is a technique where he can express himself better than others.

